Training Plans allows optimization of training schedules processes, transforming a complex process of gathering needs and managing the execution of a training plan for your employees in a simple and collaborative process.


Create segmented plans, manage the internal catalog and courses that do not yet exist, create needs for internal employees and future users, manage training budget and monitor the execution of the annual plan are some of the features of Training Plans for Cornerstone.


Create segmented plans.

Manage the internal catalog and courses that do not yet exist.

Create needs for internal users and future users.

Manage the training budget and monitor the execution of the annual plan.

Identify needs by user and by courses.

Multiple user profiles (End User, Manager, Approver, L&D) with an approval workflow up to 7 levels.

Roadmap 2021/2025

Training Plans is a dynamic and constantly evolving tool that currently manages more than 1,000,000 training plans for employees of national and international companies in various market sectors. It is a platform that meets the planning and management needs of organizations because it implements the best practices that result from the constant feedback we collect from our customers.


These practices are gradually implemented in an evolutionary and robust plan that aims to respond broadly to the needs of planning the reinforcement of training and qualification of employees, a decisive factor for business success.

Release 2.56

Session support (price of run-level session support), Report Wizard (budget allocation, training execution vs planning), Bootstrap 4 Update.

Release 2.50

Co-planner functionality (allows a co-planner for each planning need, Detailed Curriculum Support (Display of Curriculum details available on the CSOD Portal), Anonymous user group.

Release 2.43

Budget functionality (Assign a general budget to a task plan in a Top Down perspective; Automatic distribution by type, projected and estimated budget per user; Variable cost management – aggregation of transport, accommodation, etc.), Customized support of the field of value.

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