Pan-EU Network of Digital Education Passport Centres in Higher Education
EU-TeachPaaS aims to achieve a holistic and systemic result towards boosting the digital readiness of universities leading to a wider use of digital technologies and open pedagogies in online learning. EU-TeachPaaS will heavily rely on European frameworks on digital competences (DigComp & DigCompEdu) as the project will launch 6 pan-EU certification centres based on these frameworks.
University Students (undergraduate and postgraduate);
Univerisities and University Lecturers.
Within the scope of this project, partners are creating a pan-EU network of 6 digital education certification centres in higher education, that will provide training and certification for university lecturers, administrators and students, operating in online learning by specialising DigCompEdu competences and global innovations for local needs. ISQe will contribute by developing digital interactive tools for training consolidation and a virtual simulator game as formative assessment.
Universidad de Almería (ES), ISQe (PT), ACEEU - Accreditation Council for Entrepreneurial and Engaged Universities (BE), Helixconnect Europe (RO), URJC - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (ES), UNINETTUNO - Università Telematica Internazionale (IT), YET – Youth, Entrepreneurship, Education, Technology (GR).
Visit the website: https://www.teachpaas.eu